Top "Opencv-contour" questions


Dealing with contours and bounding rectangle in OpenCV 2.4 - python 2.7

I am working with openCv and python and I am dealing with Structural Analysis and Shape Descriptors. I have found …

python-2.7 opencv image-processing opencv-contour
Want to find contours -> ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 3, got 2), this appears

My simple python code is this import cv2 img=cv2.imread('Materials/shapes.png') blur=cv2.GaussianBlur(img,(3,3),0) gray=cv2.…

python python-3.x opencv-contour
How does cv2.boundingRect() function of OpenCV work?

I need the explanation on boundingRect of OpenCV. I have implemented it, it works great. Is there any reference where …

python-2.7 opencv opencv3.0 opencv-contour
OpenCV Assertion failed: (-215:Assertion failed) npoints >= 0 && (depth == CV_32F || depth == CV_32S)

I have found the following code on this website: import os import os.path import cv2 import glob import imutils …

python opencv opencv-contour
Access pixel values within a contour boundary using OpenCV in Python

I'm using OpenCV 3.0.0 on Python 2.7.9. I'm trying to track an object in a video with a still background, and estimate …

python image opencv image-processing opencv-contour
Drawing convexHull in openCV2 Python

So I am trying to draw the convexHull from a contour in python, however when i print the image it …

python image-processing ocr convex-hull opencv-contour
Get area within contours Opencv Python?

I have used an adaptive thresholding technique to create a picture like the one below: The code I used was: …

python opencv image-processing opencv-contour
openCV 2.4.10 bwlabel - connected components

Here is the original code from matlab: % Calculate each separated object area cDist=regionprops(bwImg, 'Area'); cDist=[cDist.Area]; % Label …

c++ matlab opencv image-processing opencv-contour
How to use `cv2.findContours` in different OpenCV versions?

I am trying to use OpenCV with Python in order to detect squares in a live video feed from a …

python numpy opencv opencv-contour
Improve contour detection with OpenCV (Python)

I am trying to identify cards from a photo. I managed to do what I wanted on ideal photos, but …

python opencv image-processing opencv-contour