Top "Openai-gym" questions

OpenAI Gym is a platform for reinforcement learning research that aims to provide a general-intelligence benchmark with a wide variety of environments.

What does spaces.Discrete mean in OpenAI Gym

I try to learn MC- Monte Carlo Method applied in blackjack using openAI Gym. And I do not understand these …

python-3.x openai-gym blackjack
ffmpeg is not being detected by Spyder

Running almost every code from OpenAi gym in spyder by Anaconda (for instance this code:…

ffmpeg spyder openai-gym
Error following env.render() for OpenAI

I am trying to get the code below to work. import gym env = gym.make("CartPole-v0") env.reset() env.render() …

python-3.x openai-gym
How to implement custom environment in keras-rl / OpenAI GYM?

I'm a complete newbie to Reinforcement Learning and have been searching for a framework/module to easily navigate this treacherous …

keras reinforcement-learning openai-gym keras-rl
Why is episode done after 200 time steps (Gym environment MountainCar)?

When using the MountainCar-v0 environment from OpenAI-gym in Python the value done will be true after 200 time steps. Why is …

python openai-gym