Top "Onscroll" questions

The onscroll is HTML DOM event occurs when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled.

Javascript - execute multiple different window.onscroll

I am facing a little problem here. I have basic knowledge about Javascript and i want to do the following: …

javascript function onscroll
Using window.onscroll event to detect page/frame scrolling

I want to postion a DIV inside a page such that it is visible to the user even if the …

javascript events dom html onscroll
How to make element fade in on page scroll?

I have the following element in my page: <div id="banner" class="disappear">Hello</div> The …

jquery html css opacity onscroll
Firefox scrollTop problem

I have a problem with Firefox scrollTop value and onscroll event. This works great in IE, Safari and Chrome but …

javascript firefox scroll scrolltop onscroll
How to make a View follow my finger using onScroll and GestureDetector - Android

I have a RelativeLayout with a TextView in the middle. I've got it to detect onFling, onDown, and onScroll events …

android textview gesturedetector onscroll
How can I make multiple on scroll fixed headers/navbars that stick at the very top of the page?

Does anyone know how to make multiple on scroll fixed headers? I've checked answers such as this. It's kind of …

javascript html css fixed onscroll
Javascript OnScroll performance comparison

Update: Similiar question with a very good answer that shows how to use requestAnimationFrame with scroll in a useful way: …

javascript jquery scroll onscroll
How to animate resize smaller logo image on scroll?

I was able to figure out how to animate header resize on scroll. However, I can't seem to figure out …

image jquery-animate onscroll