Top "One-hot-encoding" questions

One-Hot Encoding is a method to encode categorical variables to numerical data that Machine Learning algorithms can deal with.

ValueError: Columns must be same length as key

I have a problem running the code below. data is my dataframe. X is the list of columns for train …

python pandas dummy-variable one-hot-encoding
sklearn mask for onehotencoder does not work

Considering data like: from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder import numpy as np dt = 'object, i4, i4' d = np.array([(…

python numpy scikit-learn transformation one-hot-encoding
Convert a 2d matrix to a 3d one hot matrix numpy

I have np matrix and I want to convert it to a 3d array with one hot encoding of the …

python numpy vectorization one-hot-encoding
return the labels and their encoded values in sklearn LabelEncoder

I'm using LabelEncoder and OneHotEncoder from sklearn in a Machine Learning project to encode the labels (country names) in the …

python machine-learning scikit-learn one-hot-encoding
ValueError: X has 29 features per sample; expecting 84

I am working on a script using the Lending Club API to predict whether a loan will "pay in full" …

python pandas scikit-learn valueerror one-hot-encoding
In Torch how do I create a 1-hot tensor from a list of integer labels?

I have a byte tensor of integer class labels, e.g. from the MNIST data set. 1 7 5 [torch.ByteTensor of size 3] …

indexing torch one-hot-encoding