Top "Onclick" questions

An event which occurs when user clicked an object.

jQuery function not binding to newly added dom elements

Here's index.html: <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="…

javascript jquery onclick
How to track a Google Adwords conversion onclick?

Google Adwords offers no code to add to your page to count a conversion if somebody clicks on a link. …

javascript onclick tracking google-ads-api
android.os.FileUriExposedException: file.jpg exposed beyond app through ClipData.Item.getUri()

I try to do a button that open the camera and take picture. my code is here //for imports check …

android image camera onclick media
Destroy a PHP session on clicking a link

Is this code valid? <a href="#" onclick="<?php session_destroy();?>">Logout</a>

php session onclick session-cookies destroy
onClick not triggered on LinearLayout with child

I've got a custom LinearLayout with a smaller TextView child. I'd like to be able to click the area not …

android onclick android-linearlayout
Using "onmouseover" to display a tooltip in JavaScript

I'm trying to use JavaScript to create small dialogue boxes which will advise the user how to enter data into …

javascript html css onclick onmouseover
onClick event is not triggering | Android

I made a very simple test application with one activity and one layout. The onClick doesn't trigger the first time …

java android onclick
css change style of an element on click

I have a list of elements, and i want to change a style of an element when one clicks on …

css onclick href visited
Deactivate input in react with a button click

I have this basic component and I want the textfield to be deactivated or activated whenever I click on a …

button input reactjs onclick components
Can I have an onclick event on a imagemap area element?

I would like to put an onclick event on an area element. Here is my setup: <img id="image" …

javascript jquery onclick area imagemap