Top "Onblur" questions

The blur event fires when an element loses focus.

blur event.relatedTarget returns null

I have an <input type="text"> field and I need to clear it when this field loses focus (…

javascript events onblur lost-focus focusout
JavaScript OnBlur event prevents HTML form from being submitted

Consider the following form: <form action="/a" method="post"> <input name="x" type="text" onblur="myonblur(e)" /&…

javascript forms dom-events form-submit onblur
How to fire Angular 5 async validator onblur for FormGroup

I am using Angular version 5.0.1 and I'm trying to fire an AsyncValidator on a FormGroup on a blur event on …

javascript angular5 onblur
Struggling to add a blur event listener

I have a searchbox on the site I work on and would like to track the search terms folk are …

javascript blur onblur google-tag-manager data-layers
ReactJS - using onBlur to validate email field

I have a MaterialUI Textfield for email which validates input when the user leaves the field. I make use of …

javascript reactjs material-ui onblur
Pausing setInterval when page/ browser is out of focus

I have a simple slideshow that I've made on a client's homepage, using setInterval to time the rotations. To prevent …

javascript jquery setinterval onblur
jQuery - window focus, blur events not triggering - works in Firefox and Chrome

In a nutshell; I wrote a simplistic chat application for a buddy and me to use. When the window running …

jquery internet-explorer onblur onfocus event-triggers
Handle blur event of parent element fired by focus on child element and by clicking outside of child

I have a "parent div" containing a child box input type=number. When user clicks outside of input box I …

javascript jquery onblur event-bubbling onfocus
Dojo: dojo onblur events

I have a form setup with dojo 1.5. I am using a dijit.form.ComboBox and a dijit.form.TextBox The …

javascript dojo dom-events onblur dijit.form
Primefaces action at ajax blur event at p:inputText created through ui:repeat is not called

I am currently working on a primefaces webapp and I have the following problem: I create p:inputText fields dynamically …

ajax jsf primefaces onblur uirepeat