Top "Onbeforeunload" questions

The onbeforeunload event is triggered before a user navigates away.

window.onbeforeunload not working on the iPad?

Does anyone know if the onbeforeunload event is supported on the iPad and/or if there's a different way to …

javascript ios ipad onbeforeunload
Setting onbeforeunload on body element in Chrome and IE using jQuery

I have a system where I want to check with the user if they're sure they want to leave the …

javascript jquery google-chrome onbeforeunload
Crossbrowser onbeforeunload?

Does window.onbeforeunload() fire in all browsers? I need a onbeforeunload functionality which is supported at least by IE6 and …

javascript cross-browser onbeforeunload
AngularJS window.onbeforeunload in one controller is being triggered on another controller

Here is my problem, I have two views (View1 and View2) and a controller for each view (Ctrl1 and Ctrl2). …

angularjs onbeforeunload
window.onbeforeunload executed on page refresh instead of on page close

I'm using window.onbeforeunload to pop up a confirm dialog when a close event occurs, but the confirm dialog appears …

javascript onbeforeunload
How to disable beforeunload action when user is submitting a form?

I have this little piece of code: <script> $(window).bind('beforeunload', function() { $.ajax({ async: false, type: 'POST', url: …

javascript jquery ajax onbeforeunload
jQuery beforeunload custom pop up window for leaving a page

Hi I would like to customize my pop up for leaving a page, is there any simple way to do …

javascript jquery popup onbeforeunload
Why is jQuery onbeforeunload not working in Chrome and Firefox?

jQuery onbeforeunload is not working in Chrome and Firefox. It works properly in IE and Safari. jQuery(window).bind('onbeforeunload' ,…

jquery onbeforeunload
window.onbeforeunload - Only show warning when not submitting form

I am using window.onbeforeunload to prevent the user from navigating away after changing values on a form. This is …

javascript jquery onbeforeunload
Difference between onbeforeunload and onunload

What are the differences between onbeforeunload and onunload ? Also I have a specific question related to it's use on the …

javascript ipad safari mobile-safari onbeforeunload