Top "Oledbexception" questions

OleDBException is an exception thrown regarding an OLE DB data source.

C# OleDb Exception "No value given for one or more required parameters" while trying to delete from Access database

I have a table with "SEMESTER, SUBJECT, OFFER, RESULT" where "SEMESTER" & "SUBJECT" is PRIMARY KEY. When i use the …

c# ms-access oledbconnection oledbexception
what should I do in "Data type mismatch in criteria expression"

Why am I getting this error? "OledbException was unhandled" "Data type mismatch in criteria expression." There is no problem when … ms-access-2007 oledbexception
Sql error "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow."

I am running a service that does some computation and communicates with an ms sql server every minute or so (24/7, …

c# sql sql-server oledb oledbexception
InvalidCastException saying that "Specified cast is not valid."

Hi I got an InvalidCastException saying that "Specified cast is not valid.". I dont know where is the problem. Does … oledb oledbexception
C# Access OleDb Data type mismatch in criteria expression

Would you please kindly check the following code for errors that give me a 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression' …

c# ms-access oledbexception oledbparameter
SQL INSERT INTO statement for MS Access

I am trying to learn how to use MS Access with my program. I am practicing learning how …

sql ms-access sql-insert oledbexception
OleDbException System Resources Exceeded

The following code executes a simple insert command. If it is called 2,000 times consecutively (to insert 2,000 rows) an OleDbException with …

c# oledbexception
The Microsoft Office Access database engine cannot open or write to the file ''

Data needs to be read into .net gridview from excel worksheet. Here are the aspx and aspx.cs codes. ASPX: &…

c# excel oledbconnection oledbexception
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Unspecified error

I'm Totally new in and currently working on a CRM application. This project uses .mdb files as backend … ms-access oledbexception
"Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.16.0 provider is not registered on the local machine" but I have it installed already

I have the same problem as others but (in this case) I have already installed that component. UPDATE: I have … oledb oledbconnection oledbexception