Top "Oledb" questions

OLE DB (Object Linking and Embedding, Database, sometimes written as OLEDB or OLE-DB) is an API designed by Microsoft for accessing data from a variety of sources in a uniform manner.

SSIS OLEDB destination with SQL command

I have a simple SSIS package with a data flow task with ADO.NET source & destination: Normally, I would …

sql sql-server-2008 ssis oledb
Microsoft ACE OLEDB provider throws could not find installable ISAM exception

I'm trying to read Excel spreadsheets with a 64bit Process. Therefore I use the 64 bit Version of Micorosft Access Database …

excel oledb ms-jet-ace
SSIS - "External table is not in the expected format" and .xls files

In a SSIS ETL transformation I'm trying to load a certain .xls file. I have several identical files with similar …

excel ssis oledb etl
Trying to insert DateTime.Now into Date/Time field gives "Data type mismatch" error

If I try to write a datetime to a record in an MS-Access database the easy way, like this cmd.…

c# ms-access oledb
OLEDE Error: Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\ComputerName$'.;28000

I am trying to deploy an Analysis Services cube in SQL Server 2012. My user account is REALM\Merin where REALM …

sql-server sql-server-2012 odbc ssas oledb
fetch column names for specific table

I want to fetch all the column names for specific table.. I am using msaccess and C# .net 2008.

c# database ms-access schema oledb
Excel cell-values are truncated by OLEDB-provider

I'm using the OleDbConnection class to retrieve data from an Excel 2000/2003 workbook: string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" + "Data Source=" + …

.net excel oledb oledbconnection
Using OLEDB for uploading file with Excel 2016

my application basically accepts an excel file and uploads data to my database which used to work perfect with Excel 2010 …

c# excel oledb excel-2016 office-2016
InvalidCastException saying that "Specified cast is not valid."

Hi I got an InvalidCastException saying that "Specified cast is not valid.". I dont know where is the problem. Does … oledb oledbexception
Candlestick multiple Y values

I am on a mission to make a candlestick graph using MSChart in a windows form. I already succeeded to …

c# oledb mschart candlestick-chart