An HTTP+HTTP/2 client for Android and Java applications.
ProGuard won't play nice with okhttp and I keep getting the following Warnings: Warning:com.squareup.okhttp.internal.huc.HttpsURLConnectionImpl: …
android android-studio proguard retrofit okhttpCan't figure out why is this happening. Neither one of rx callbacks (onCompleted(), onError(), onNext()) not gets triggered by my …
android rx-java retrofit2 okhttp rx-androidI need to upload a binary file bundled in an apk to a server using okhttp. Using urlconnection, you can …
android okhttpI am using OkHttp with Retrofit to make my app's network requests. I am also using Interceptors for Authentication and …
java android retrofit interceptor okhttpMy requirement is to use PUT, send a header and a body to server which will update something in the …
android retrofit okhttp android-networking androidhttpclientI implement my http calls via the OkHttp library. Everything works fine, but I noticed that, when I access the …
android okhttp