Top "Ogg" questions

Ogg is free and open bitstream container format designed for streaming and manipulation of audio, video, and other media.

SoX doesn't work with Opus Audio files

I am recording input microphone from a web page with WebRTC and process it through SoX. Problem is, Firefox recordings …

audio type-conversion ogg sox opus
Using Ogg Vorbis in Flash/Flex applications

I am looking to use ogg vorbis, instead of mp3s to stream audio. It seems that Flash player does …

apache-flex mp3 flash ogg
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android?

EDIT: Incorporated the changed uv001's answer. I can only find that ICS 4.0 support decoding of FLAC, but encode. I …

android wav ogg flac
Ffmpeg not converting properly to ogg

I am using ffmpeg to convert audio and video on my website. Ffmpeg is properly converting to other formats like …

ffmpeg ogg
Playing small sounds in Java game

For the computer game I'm making, I obviously want to play sound. So far, I've been using AudioClip to play …

java audio mp3 ogg