Top "Odoo-9" questions

Odoo is a suite of open-source business apps written in Python and released under the AGPL license.

What does |= (pipe equal) sign do in python?

I saw a piece of code in a project where following is written: move = Move.create({ 'name':, 'product_…

python-2.7 openerp odoo-8 odoo-9
Odoo set specific domain on xml file

I made a custom button whick call a view: @api.multi def split_bot(self): view = self.env.ref('purchase_…

xml view openerp odoo-9 one2many
Odoo service restart and update using systemctl

Odoo service is started by systemctl start odoo. I am usin Centos. When I want to update my changed *.py …

python odoo odoo-9 systemctl start-stop-daemon