Using Xcode , I want to have the Doxygen description of my method below the autocomplete option, like alloc
When writing, Xcode displays the autocomplete with the comments from the documentation. You can see in the image for example, when alloc
is selected from the options, it says "Returns a new instance of the receiving class" and also links to the documentation.
I have been able to document my source code with Doxygen, for instance
This does nothing
-(void) doNothing
// This does nothing
and I get the expected results in the HTML file that Doxygen generates, yet I don't know how to make those results appear as suggestions in Xcode.
Good news everyone! Xcode 5 now has built-in support for DOxygen style comments. So, you can comment your methods like this:
* Provides an NSManagedObjectContext singleton appropriate for use on the main
* thread. If the context doesn't already exist it is created and bound to the
* persistent store coordinator for the application, otherwise the existing
* singleton contextis returned.
* \param someParameter You can even add parameters
* \returns The a shared NSManagedObjectContext for the application.
+ (NSManagedObjectContext *)sharedContext;
Here's a handy code snippet you can add the your Xcode Code Snippet library to make method documentation simple:
@param <#parameter#>
@returns <#retval#>
@exception <#throws#>
Now, you can just type "doxy" and poof! You have your doxygen template.