Top "Obfuscation" questions

Obfuscation is the process by which the code is altered so that a developer finds it much harder to understand clearly what the intended program does or how it operates.

Javascript library: to obfuscate or not to obfuscate - that is the question

I need to write a GUI related javascript library. It will give my website a bit of an edge (in …

javascript obfuscation
Obfuscating resource strings that may give away too much information about programming logic

I currently use a combination of LVL and Proguard as a first line of defence against piracy. However, what about …

android obfuscation proguard android-resources android-lvl
Flex / Air obfuscation

I've written (most of) an application in Flex and I am concerned with protecting the source code. I fired up …

apache-flex actionscript-3 air obfuscation
Obfuscation causes VerifyError: Expecting a stackmap frame

We are using latest JDK 7 (u45) and ProGuard Version 4.10 Lately starting our distribution fails, after obfuscating it, with the following …

obfuscation java-7 proguard verification
TypeScript Obfuscation

Are there any tools or forks of TypeScript to support public namespace obfuscation? I.e. to turn: class MyUtil { print(): …

obfuscation typescript
Can't shrink flurry with proguard

Here is my proguard config (I copied it from android tools folder and added some lines). -optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!…

java android obfuscation proguard flurry
Good non-intrusive anti-spam email obfuscator?

I'm trying to come up with a JavaScript email obfuscator to reduce the chance for spam in emails listed on …

javascript obfuscation spam-prevention email-spam
Android Apk decompilation seems to easy

I was just messing around. I downloaded the dex2jar and the Java …

java android obfuscation apk decompiler
.NET Reactor encryption vs obfuscation

I have a requirement to protect our assemblies against reverse engineering, to lessen the risk of IP theft or license …

c# serialization obfuscation net-reactor
Android, ProGuard, and keepclasseswithmembernames

A common pattern in ProGuard configs for Android applications is to preserve custom View classes, since they are probably referenced …

android obfuscation proguard minimization