I'm building a web-application that lets users login with a google-apps account. I need some userinfo, nr of new e-mails, calendar access and all the groups (in my domain) the user is a member of. The trouble is that i can't find the right scope (and endpoint) to get the groups a user is member of. Does somebody knows if it is possible? And how it's done...
What I got so far: I've played with the Groups-provisioning scope (https://apps-apis.google.com/a/feeds/groups/) the problem is that you have to be an administrator to view the data.. And I want all users to see there memberships... The google oauth playground isn't getting me further (https://code.google.com/oauthplayground/)
i had the same problem and figured it out.
needed scope is "https://apps-apis.google.com/a/feeds/groups/"
API request looks like this: "https://apps-apis.google.com/a/feeds/group/2.0/{domain}/{group name}/member"
as a header of request use: 'Authorization': "OAuth " + {access_token}
google application account holder must have roles by following manual(reading rule at least):
To enable the Provisioning API for a Next generation control panel:
To enable the Provisioning API for a current control panel:
Domain administrator only has possibility to change this settings.