Read all mails using Gmail API with OAuth

user1051536 picture user1051536 · Nov 18, 2011 · Viewed 33.9k times · Source

Is there any method to read all mails (i.e. both read and unread) using Gmail API with OAuth.

The following link returns only new mails:

So I want all Emails to be retrieved.
Please help me.


Oto Brglez picture Oto Brglez · Jun 27, 2014

On June 25, 2014 Google released new Gmail API that can be used to easily gather messages, threads, labels and more from Gmail accounts. Service is OAuth 2 protected. They provide nice client libraries for Python, .NET and Java and wonderful documentation for those doing RESTful implementation.

I suggest using their API instead of IMAP - because Gmail has and supports many features that were not designed to run over IMAP. Features like search, tagging, etc...

You can also check their YouTube video for a nicer introduction.