Top "Nvcc" questions

"nvcc" is NVIDIA's LLVM-based C/C++ compiler for targeting GPUs with CUDA.

nvcc fatal : Value 'sm_20' is not defined for option 'gpu-architecture'

I've looked at many pages and either could not follow what they were saying because they were unclear and/or …

cuda nvidia torch nvcc luarocks
How to link host code with a static CUDA library after separable compilation?

Alright, I have a really troubling CUDA 5.0 question about how to link things properly. I'd be really grateful for any …

cuda g++ static-linking dynamic-linking nvcc
How Can I use my GPU on Ipython Notebook?

OS : Ubuntu 14.04LTS Language : Python Anaconda 2.7 (keras, theano) GPU : GTX980Ti CUDA : CUDA 7.5 I wanna run keras python code on …

ipython theano nvcc keras
How to compile PTX code

I need to modify the PTX code and compile it directly. The reason is that I want to have some …

cuda nvcc ptx
nvcc.exe linking error Microsoft Visual Studio configuration file 'vcvars64.bat' could not found

I want to use nvcc -ptx from windows command line, but I always get this error message: nvcc : fatal error : …

visual-studio-2012 cuda nvcc
CUDA nvcc compiler setup Ubuntu 12.04

I successfully installed the nvidia driver and toolkit for cuda 5 (but not the samples) on a 64 bit Ubuntu 12.04 box. The …

cuda nvcc
How to disable a specific nvcc compiler warnings

I want to disable a specific compiler warning with nvcc, specifically warning: NULL reference is not allowed The code I …

cuda compiler-warnings pragma nvcc
Nvcc has different version than CUDA

I got installed cuda 7, but when I hit nvcc --version, it prints out 6.5. I would like to install Theano library …

linux cuda nvcc
cuda with mingw - updated

We have been developing our code in linux, but would like to compile a windows executable. The old non-gpu version …

cuda mingw nvcc
CUDA compiler (nvcc) macro

Is there a #define compiler (nvcc) macro of CUDA which I can use? (Like _WIN32 for Windows and so on.) …

c++ cuda macros c-preprocessor nvcc