Top "Nvcc" questions

"nvcc" is NVIDIA's LLVM-based C/C++ compiler for targeting GPUs with CUDA.

CUDA and nvcc: using the preprocessor to choose between float or double

The problem: Having a .h, I want to define real to be double if compiling for c/c++ or for …

cuda preprocessor nvcc
Compile cuda code for CPU

I'm study cuda 5.5 but i don't have any Nvidia GPU. In old version of nvcc have a flag --multicore to …

cuda nvidia nvcc
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcudart

I'm getting the following message while trying to compile a CUDA program: /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcudart Never got …

cuda nvcc
/usr/bin/ld: Dwarf Error

I'm trying to compile a complex application with nvcc, and a need to change the compiler from mpic++ to g++, …

g++ ld nvcc dwarf
CUDA invalid device symbol error

the code below compiles just fine. But when i try to run it, i got GPUassert: invalid device symbol file.…

cuda nvcc
Cuda - nvcc - No kernel image is available for execution on the device. What is the problem?

I'm trying to use nvcc with the most simple example, but it doesn't work correctly. I'm compiling and execute the …

cuda nvcc
How can I get the nvcc CUDA compiler to optimize more?

When using a C or C++ compiler, if we pass the -O3 switch, execution becomes faster. In CUDA, is there …

cuda nvcc compiler-options
Nvcc missing when installing cudatoolkit?

I have installed cuda along pytorch with conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch However, it seems like nvcc was …

cuda anaconda pytorch nvcc
Default host compiler used by nvcc for linux

I am using CUDA 4.0 on Ubuntu 10.10 with GTX 570 (compute capcability 2.0), with the GCC compiler suite. As I understand it, during …

gcc compiler-construction cuda nvcc

I use the CUDA 4.0 arch., with a Compute_Capability 2.0 device (GTX460). What is the difference between the 'cubin' and the …

cuda nvidia nvcc