Top "Numpy-ndarray" questions

Numpy Ndarray refers to the N-dimensional array type that describes the collection of the same type in the Python library NumPy.

Cannot convert list to array: ValueError: only one element tensors can be converted to Python scalars

I'm currently working with the PyTorch framework and trying to understand foreign code. I got an indices issue and wanted …

python numpy pytorch numpy-ndarray
What is an intuitive explanation of np.unravel_index?

Pretty much what the title says. I've read the documentation and I've played with the function for a while now …

python numpy indexing numpy-ndarray tensor
How does the axis parameter from NumPy work?

Can someone explain exactly what the axis parameter in NumPy does? I am terribly confused. I'm trying to use the …

python arrays numpy multidimensional-array numpy-ndarray
Numpy zip function

If I have two numpy 1D arrays, for example x=np.array([1,2,3]) y=np.array([11,22,33]) How can I zip these …

python numpy multidimensional-array numpy-ndarray
What does layout = torch.strided mean?

As I was going through pytorch documentation I came across a term layout = torch.strided in many of the functions. …

python multidimensional-array pytorch tensor numpy-ndarray
numpy.product vs vs

I'm reading through the Numpy docs, and it appears that the functions, np.product(...) and the ndarray method …

python numpy numpy-ndarray