Top "Number-formatting" questions

Number formatting is the process of converting a numeric value into a string suitable for display.

Problem parsing currency text to decimal type

I am trying to parse a string like "$45.59" into a decimal. For some reason I am getting exception that the …

c# parsing decimal number-formatting
Format negative amount of USD with a minus sign, not brackets (Java)

How do I get NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() to print negative USD currency values with a minus sign?

java currency number-formatting
How to add thousand separating commas for numbers in angularJS?

I simply want to convert a string of numbers to a number which will be displayed using thousand separated commas. …

angularjs number-formatting
Excel number format strings (e.g. "@", "$-409]d-mmm-yy;@") - Complete reference availability?

I'm using Spreadsheet Gear to do some Excel programming. I want more control over number formats and it appears that …

excel number-formatting spreadsheetgear
How do I format my percent variable to 2 decimal places?

This program is basically working with text files, reading the data & performing functions: while(s.hasNext()){ name=; …

java decimal number-formatting
Format a number to two decimal places

Give me a native (no jQuery, Prototype, etc. please) JavaScript function that converts numbers as follows: input: 0.39, 2.5, 4.25, 5.5, 6.75, 7.75, 8.5 output: 0.39, 2.50, 4.25, 5.50, 6.75, 7.75, 8.50 E.g., …

javascript numbers number-formatting
How to print +1 in Python, as +1 (with plus sign) instead of 1?

As mentioned in the title, how do I get Python to print out +1 instead of 1? score = +1 print score >> 1 …

python number-formatting
Java Converting long into currency

I am having trouble converting a long (cents) into currency format. My Code: long doublePayment = 1099; //Should equal $10.99 DecimalFormat dFormat = new …

java currency long-integer number-formatting
Formatting Complex Numbers

For a project in one of my classes we have to output numbers up to five decimal places.It is …

python formatting number-formatting complex-numbers