Top "Ntp" questions

Network Time Protocol is an application level network protocol that is used for synchronizing clocks of computer systems.

Query domain controllers & NTP servers time w32tm /monitor format output

I'm using the following to measure the time offset between our domain controllers and ntp servers. $Servers = "ntp.xxxxx,ntp.…

powershell time format ntp domaincontroller
Java scheduler which is completely independent of system time changes

Was using Java Timer, Then switched to ScheduledExecutorService, but my problem is not fixed. As Tasks scheduled before system time …

java timer 32bit-64bit scheduler ntp
How does NTP calculates its next polling interval

I tried reading NTPv4 RFC 4905. I cant seem to understand on what basis it is calculating next polling interval to …

NTP timestamps in Python

I need to generate a timestamp in NTP format in Python. Specifically, I need to calculate the number of seconds …

python ntp
Get time of NTP-Server from Android App

Dear android developers, I'm trying to implement the sntpclient class in my application but it didn't work. Class: http://grepcode.…

java android networking client ntp
How to synchronize DateTime.Now with a NTP server?

I have a NTP-Server and I am getting the date like below: DateTime NTPDateTime = GetServerTime(); //GetServerTime returns a new DateTime …

c# datetime ntp