Top "Ntp" questions

Network Time Protocol is an application level network protocol that is used for synchronizing clocks of computer systems.

Java NTP client

I need my software to communicate with an NTP server to determine the local clock offset. I have tried using …

java ntp
Android: Getting the date and time from a NTP server

I would like to obtain the date and time from my own time server (i.e. 192.168.1.X) for the use …

android datetime ntp
How to write a NTP client?

I'm looking for an code example of NTP client write in C. I found this: Fixed some things on code,…

c ntp
NTP Request Packet

I'm trying to figure out what I need to send (client) in the NTP request package to retrieve a NTP …

udp request ntp cortex-m3 lwip
Failed to restart ntpd.service

I'm trying to fix error RequestTimeTooSkewed i get when trying to deploy a project to amazon servers i found this …

ubuntu amazon-s3 ntp
How to convert NTP time to Unix Epoch time in C language (Linux)

I have been trying for several months to create a simple SNTP single Client/Server based on RFC5905. Finally I …

c linux epoch ntp
How do you get a timestamp in Arduino-ESP8266?

I would like to get a timestamp with Arduino-ESP8266. But I don't have any idea how to get that. I …

timestamp esp8266 ntp arduino-esp8266
How Does the Network Time Protocol Work?

The Wikipedia entry doesn't give details and the RFC is way too dense. Does anyone around here know, in a …

time synchronization ntp
Network Time Protocol for iPhone

I am writing an application that requires accurate timing. After asking this question, I have decided to investigate using NTP …

iphone ntp
How to prevent usage of expired license through system clock tampering?

I am currently working on a license manager using java, I will be specifying a start and end date for …

java licensing ntp systemtime