Top "Nsurlrequest" questions

on iOS , NSURLRequest objects represent a URL load request in a manner independent of protocol and URL scheme.

"No Action header was found" error message while using SOAP webservice

Getting following error while consuming SOAP webservice in iOS App "No Action header was found with namespace 'http://www.w3.…

ios objective-c soap wsdl nsurlrequest
iOS any body knows how to add a proxy to NSURLRequest?

I'm setting up a webview but I need to load the content of the webview using a proxy. Any of …

ios uiwebview proxy nsurlrequest
Swift 2.0, Alamofire: Set cookies in HTTP Post Request

I want to set cookies in my HTTP POST request. Something like the cookie field in the HTTP Request below, …

swift cookies swift2 nsurlrequest alamofire
NSURLSessionConfiguration HTTPAdditionalHeaders not set

Authorization header is set in NSURLSessionConfiguration, however it is not attached to NSURLSessionDataTask. Is this a bug in Foundation framework? …

ios nsurlrequest foundation nsurlsession nsurlsessionconfiguration
UIWebView won't load links with certificate (https:// prefix)

I know this has been asked before but I have looked at every answer (there aren't many) and none help …

iphone ios uiwebview ssl-certificate nsurlrequest
How to retry a block based URL Request

I am fetching data using iOS7's new URL request methods, like so: NSMutableURLRequest *request = [NSMutableURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:[self.…

ios objective-c cocoa nsurlrequest
Playing a video from live stream while also saving the stream to disk on iOS

I've been looking into this topic for a while now and I can't really figure out how I could achieve …

objective-c ios streaming avfoundation nsurlrequest
What's the default cache expiration time for NSURLRequests?

I'm using a NSURLRequest to check for available data updates. Today I noticed, that NSURLRequest caches the request by default. …

objective-c ios http caching nsurlrequest