Top "Nsurlconnection" questions

An NSURLConnection is the Apple Foundation Framework class that provides support to perform the loading of a URL request.

Using libcurl on iOS 5 as an alternative to NSURLConnection

Update: NSURLConnection now seems to properly support 100-Continue. In any case, this answer contains a link to the script to …

ios5 nsurlconnection libcurl
NSURLConnection vs. NSData + GCD

NSData has always had a very convenient method called +dataWithContentsOfURL:options:error:. While convenient, it also blocks execution of the …

objective-c ios nsurlconnection grand-central-dispatch
NSURLConnection with NSRunLoopCommonModes

I have written my own implementation of HTTPClient for my iOS app to download contents of specified URL asynchronously. The …

objective-c ios concurrency nsurlconnection nsrunloop
What are differences between NSURLConnection and ASI-HTTP-Request?

Some people strongly prefer asihttprequest ASIHTTPRequest vs NSURLConnection Reasons can be listed (not full) a lot of extra features,such …

ios nsurlconnection asihttprequest
Stop an NSRunLoop

I have a connection in a thread, so I add it to the run loop to get all data: [[NSRunLoop …

cocoa cocoa-touch nsurlconnection nsrunloop cfrunloop
NSURL Connection sendAsynchronousRequest How to save the response?

.h @property (strong) NSString *reply; I have the following method: .m @synthesize reply; - (void)send { [NSURLConnection sendAsynchronousRequest:[self request] …

ios objective-c xcode nsurlconnection completionhandler
IOS 9 App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP Issue

I am testing my app in Xcode 7, IOS 9 and got the following error : App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext …

http nsurlconnection nsurlsession ios9 app-transport-security
swift UIActivityIndicatorView while NSURLConnection

I know how to animate the UIActivityIndicatorView I know how to make a connection with NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest But I don't …

ios swift nsurlconnection uiactivityindicatorview
Async NSURLConnection, Concurrent NSOperation, when to use NSRunLoop?

I'm trying to run NSURLConnection async in a secondary thread (target is iOS4), for this I have created a concurrent …

concurrency ios4 nsurlconnection nsoperation nsrunloop