Top "Nsurlconnection" questions

An NSURLConnection is the Apple Foundation Framework class that provides support to perform the loading of a URL request.

iOS - Async NSURLConnection inside NSOperation

I know this question was asked many times on SO, but I didn't manage to make it work in my …

ios xcode cocoa-touch nsurlconnection nsoperation
what is the advantage of using Alamofire over NSURLSession/NSURLConnection for networking?

Can anyone help me in understanding these question : What is the advantage of using Alamofire over NSURLSession/ NSURLConnection? What are …

nsurlconnection alamofire nsurlsession mobile-application
Multiple locks on web thread not allowed! Please file a bug. Crashing now

i make a url-Request and waiting for the answer with I start the request, then waiting until synchronousOperationComplete=TRUE NSRunLoop *…

objective-c nsurlconnection nsrunloop
NSURLConnection Error code (-1202,1012)

I am using NSURLConnection for one field service type iOS appliation, so app is field service type there are more …

ios nsurlconnection nsurlerrordomain
how to unit test a NSURLConnection Delegate?

How can I unit test my NSURLConnection delegate? I made a ConnectionDelegate class which conforms to different protocols to serve …

ios unit-testing nsurlconnection ocmock nsurlconnectiondelegate
iOS, NSURLConnection: Delegate Callbacks on Different Thread?

How can I get NSURLConnection to call it's delegate methods from a different thread instead of the main thread. I'm …

ios nsurlconnection nsrunloop
NSURLConnection Authorization Header not Working

I am trying to send an OAuth access token in an HTTP header via NSURLConnection but it doesn't seem to …

ios curl http-headers nsurlconnection get-request
iOS 11, Xcode 9 Error: NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1100

I'm getting this error when working in JS and Ionic 3. I'm testing on my iPhone 7 plus with iOS 11 and Xcode 9. …

ionic2 nsurlconnection ios11 xcode9
When is a NSURLResponse not a NSHTTPURLResponse?

I've seen a lot of code, including Apple's SimpleURLConnections sample, that simply cast any NSURLResponse to a NSHTTPURLResponse. If it …

iphone ios nsurlconnection
NSURLConnection delegate methods on background thread

EDIT2 - Rewrote the question I want to do some web service communication in the background. I am using Sudzc …

ios nsurlconnection selector grand-central-dispatch sudzc