Top "Nstimezone" questions

Time Zone data for iOS and Mac OS X

How to get a user's time zone?

Does anyone know of a way to get a users time zone in Swift? I'm getting a specific time something …

ios xcode swift macos nstimezone
Convert NSDate to NSString with NSDateFormatter with TimeZone without GMT Time Modifier

I'm initializing my NSDateFormatter thusly: NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease]; [dateFormatter setLocale:[[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:@"en_US_POSIX"] autorelease]]; […

objective-c timezone nsdateformatter nstimezone
Swift 3 timezone issue

It seems setDefaultTimeZone method is no longer available in NSTimeZone. Does someone know a substitute for this? In my AppDelegate.…

ios swift3 nstimezone
How to use NSTimeZone -timeZoneWithName: with a city name from Rails ActiveSupport?

If I only have the city name like Bangkok or Tokyo, how can I supply a timezone parameter in [NSTimeZone …

ios timezone nstimezone activesupport
Detect if time format is in 12hr or 24hr format

Is there any way to detect if the current device of the app uses 12h our 24h format, so that …

objective-c ios cocoa-touch nstimezone
NSTimeZone: Any difference between "UTC" and "GMT"?

Are these five statements interchangeable, or is anyone aware of cases where their use would yield different results? From what …

ios utc gmt nstimezone
Where can I find a list of timezones?

I use timeZoneWithName, but I don't know names of timezones. Where can I find a list of timezones? [NSTimeZone timeZoneWithName:@"…

ios nstimezone
GMT timezone conversion in objective c

I am trying to convert nsstring to nsdate and then to the systemtimezone. Is my code right? Any help appreciated. …

objective-c nsdate nstimezone
How to get current date in swift 3?

I want to get current date and time zone of user in Swift 3. I tried in Swift 2.2 following code : static …

ios swift nsdate swift3 nstimezone
iOS 7: Convert NSDate to string with custom timezone and get back new NSDate

I wish to modify current system time (set a custom NSTimeZone) and get back a new NSDate object. The code …

ios objective-c nsdate nsdateformatter nstimezone