Top "Nsstring" questions

NSString is the plain-text character-string class in Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

align text using drawInRect:withAttributes:

In the iOS 5 version of my app I had: [self.text drawInRect: stringRect withFont: [UIFont fontWithName: @"Courier" size: kCellFontSize] lineBreakMode: …

ios nsstring ios7
How to check the last char of an NSString

I want to ask a question about the NSString * in objective C. Can I check the last char of a …

objective-c cocoa nsstring
Converting NSString to NSData and vice versa

I am having an issue while trying to convert NSString to NSData and vice versa. I am trying to store …

iphone nsstring nsdata data-conversion
Strip Non-Alphanumeric Characters from an NSString

I'm looking for a quick and easy way to strip non-alphanumeric characters from an NSString. Probably something using an NSCharacterSet, …

cocoa cocoa-touch nsstring nscharacterset
Shortcut to generate an NSRange for entire length of NSString?

Is there a short way to say "entire string" rather than typing out: NSMakeRange(0, myString.length)] It seems silly that …

ios objective-c nsstring nsrange
Split up NSString using a comma

I have a JSON feed connected to my app. One of the items is lat & long separated by a …

iphone json nsstring comma
How to get NSRange(s) for a substring in NSString?

NSString *str = @" My name is Mike, I live in California and I work in Texas. Weather in California is nice …

ios nsstring uitextview nsattributedstring nsrange
How do I remove/decode URL percent encoding?

I want to take a url and convert it to a more readable format. For example I have the following …

ios objective-c nsstring nsurlconnection nsurl
drawInRect:withAttributes vs drawInRect:withFont:lineBreakMode:alignment

I'm working on a new version of my app and am attempting to replace deprecated messages, but am not able …

ios objective-c nsstring drawinrect
Why does emoji have two different utf-8 codes? How to convert emoji from utf-8 , use NSString in ios?

We have found an issue, that some emoji have two utf-8 codes, such as: emoji unicode utf-8 another utf-8 😁 U+1…

ios unicode utf-8 nsstring emoji