Top "Nsobject" questions

NSObject is the root class of most Objective-C class hierarchies; it has no superclass.

iOS: create an object class with Swift

I created this class for my object City class City: NSObject { var _name:String = "" var name:String { get { return _name } …

ios oop swift nsobject
NSObject +load and +initialize - What do they do?

I'm interested in understanding the circumstances leading a developer to override +initialize or +load. Documentation makes it clear these methods …

objective-c nsobject
Subclassing NSObject in Swift - Best Practice with Initializers

Here is the layout of an example Class, can someone guide me on what's best practice when creating a subclass …

ios swift initialization subclass nsobject
no visible @interface for declares the selector errors

I'm getting No visible @interface for 'NSObject' declares the selector 'viewDidLoad' on the lines: [super viewDidLoad]; [_viewWeb loadRequest:requestObj]; [super …

objective-c uiviewcontroller nsobject
iOS JSON serialization for NSObject-based classes

I'd like to JSON-serialize my own custom classes. I'm working in Objective-C / iOS5. I'd like something to do the following: …

objective-c ios json serialization nsobject
NSObject custom init with object/parameters

What i'm trying to accomplish is something like Person *person1 = [[Person alloc]initWithDict:dict]; and then in the NSObject "Person", …

ios objective-c nsobject
What is __NSArrayI and __NSArrayM? How to convert to NSArray?

What is __NSArrayI and __NSArrayM? __NSArrayI(or M) cause "unrecognized selector" error. How to convert to NSArray? I did test …

iphone objective-c ios nsarray nsobject
unexpected '@' in program (Xcode)

All of the sudden Xcode is giving me an error "unexpected '@' in program" at the beginning of my …

objective-c xcode cocoa-touch nsobject
Class hierarchy of NSObject

I trying to understand class hierarchy. What are the sub classes of NSObject. Is there any graphical representation of the …

ios objective-c nsobject
Removing Duplicates From Array of Custom Objects Swift

I have a custom class defined as follows : class DisplayMessage : NSObject { var id : String? var partner_image : UIImage? var partner_…

ios arrays swift duplicates nsobject