Top "Nslayoutmanager" questions

Glyph layout engine in iOS and OSX

Swift protocols: method does not override any method from its superclass

Since Xcode 6 still has a lots of bugs with Swift, I'm not sure is it one or I'm missing something. …

cocoa swift nslayoutmanager
Swift : tap on a part of text of UILabel

I have a problem that "boundingRectForGlyphRange" always returns "0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0". "boundingRectForGlyphRange" is not working. For example, I am coding for …

ios swift uilabel nsattributedstring nslayoutmanager
How does line spacing work in Core Text? (and why is it different from NSLayoutManager?)

I'm trying to draw text using Core Text functions, with a line spacing that's as close as possible to what …

objective-c macos nstextview core-text nslayoutmanager
How to set up an NSTextView programmatically with explicit NSLayoutManager, NSTextStorage, NSTextContainer?

Following the apple documentation I am trying to set up a simple NSTextView via its two constructor methods. I am …

cocoa swift nstextview nslayoutmanager nstextstorage
UITextView contentSize changes and NSLayoutManager in iOS7

The problem: UITextView silently changes it's contentSize in some situations. The simplest case textView with large text and keyboard. Just …

ios uitextview ios7 nslayoutmanager