Top "Nslayoutconstraint" questions

NSLayoutConstraint is a constraint defines a relationship between two of user interface objects that must be satisfied by the constraint-based layout system.

Autolayout programmatically on a subview of a subclassed UIView

I have subclassed UIView to make a custom groupView I use to add a few things to my layout in …

iphone ios6 nslayoutconstraint
What is a 'UIView-Encapsulated-Layout-Width' constraint?

I keep getting 'Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints' exceptions (Xcode 5, iOS 7, both device and simulator), where one of the constraints …

ios uicollectionview autolayout nslayoutconstraint uicollectionviewlayout
Understanding "firstBaseLine" vs. "baseLine" AutoLayout Constraint

I've created the following view that looks as follow: And used Add missing constraints t automatically add constraints. I am …

ios swift autolayout nslayoutconstraint
Add constraint not listed in Editor menu in Xcode

I am trying to add layout constraints to my NIB, and i am following the directions apple provides here: http://…

ios xcode nslayoutconstraint
Centering multiple UILabels vertically in a UITableViewCell using AutoLayout?

I’m beginning to implement AutoLayout, and I’m trying to piece together how I can hook up one of …

ios objective-c autolayout nslayoutconstraint
Install/Uninstall constraint programmatically

Is there a way to install and uninstall an Xcode interface builder constraint programmatically?

ios objective-c autolayout interface-builder nslayoutconstraint
Handling AutoLayout constraint animation differences in iOS 10?

I've noticed that in iOS 10 Beta 5 (about to try Beta 6), AutoLayout constraint animation behaves a bit differently. For example, this …

animation autolayout uikit nslayoutconstraint ios10
Animate intrinsicContentSize changes

I have a UIView subclass that draws a circle whose radius changes (with nice bouncy animations). The view is deciding …

cocoa-touch uiview nslayoutconstraint
UITableViewAutomaticDimension not working in Xcode 6.3

I updated my Xcode to 6.3 along with Swift 1.2, and I made the transition. Everything works except dynamic row height for …

xcode uitableview nslayoutconstraint xcode6.3
How do I animate a NSLayoutConstraint in Swift?

I would like to animate an UIImageView. I declared a NSLayoutConstraint in viewDidLoad and used this code: UIView.animate(withDuration: 1) { …

ios swift nslayoutconstraint