Top "Nslayoutconstraint" questions

NSLayoutConstraint is a constraint defines a relationship between two of user interface objects that must be satisfied by the constraint-based layout system.

Centering subview's X in autolayout throws "not prepared for the constraint"

I have a custom UIView subclass which is being initialized via a nib. In -awakeFromNib, I'm creating a subview and …

ios objective-c autolayout nslayoutconstraint uiview-hierarchy
Programmatically creating constraints bound to view controller margins

I'm trying to make a view that will act as a sort of "panel", attached to the right side of …

swift nslayoutconstraint
Update the constant property of a constraint programmatically in Swift?

I want to animate an object, so I declare a constraint and add it to the view. I then update …

ios swift nslayoutconstraint
UICollectionView autosize height

How do I properly resize a UICollectionView so that it fully displays its contents? I have tried many things, including …

ios objective-c uicollectionview nslayoutconstraint
iOS change auto layout constraints when device rotates

I want to modify the layout constraints when the device rotates. My UIViewController is composed of 2 UIViews, in landscape they …

objective-c ios autolayout nslayoutconstraint
Trailing and Leading constraints in Swift programmatically (NSLayoutConstraints)

I'm adding from a xib a view into my ViewController. Then I'm putting its constraints to actually fit it override …

ios iphone swift2 nslayoutconstraint
"Width equals height" constraint in Interface Builder

I can't find a way to create a 'square' constraint, meaning 'width equals height' in Interface Builder. I guess it's …

ios interface-builder autolayout nslayoutconstraint
Autolayout: Add constraint to superview and not Top Layout Guide?

I have a UIView in my UIViewController in storyboard which I want to add a constraint on to space that …

ios storyboard autolayout nslayoutconstraint
UITableView within UIScrollView using autolayout

At the moment, I'm using a UITableView along with other views that are contained in a UIScrollView. I want the …

ios uitableview uiscrollview autolayout nslayoutconstraint
How do I create a constraints based view that resizes between iPhone 5 and iPhone 4 comparable to Anchor operation?

The sort of classic Springs and Struts, aka "Anchor and Align", or "Autosizing masks" is the only sort of resize-management …

xcode interface-builder nslayoutconstraint