An NSHTTPCookie object represents an HTTP cookie.
I'm having a problem with NSRange. Here is my code: NSRange range = [[[NSHTTPCookie requestHeaderFieldsWithCookies:[[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] cookiesForURL:[NSURL URLWithString:cookie]]] …
iphone nsrange nshttpcookieStruggling with this problem and loath to implement a custom cookie management system. It appears some hidden level of iOS's …
objective-c ios cookies nshttpcookieI'm developing an application where the server hands me a cookie to identify the user. My successive requests need to …
iphone ios ios5 nshttpcookieI have an app that makes request to a REST service. Authentication is done using cookies. This already works. What …
iphone nshttpcookieIn: This Question it is said AFNetworking takes care of cookies automatically in the background, but in a Previous question …
ios session afnetworking nshttpcookieI'm accessing a server's secure information and it sends a bunch of cookies to the App on request. The problem …
iphone cookies jsessionid nshttpcookieIn our iPhone app we use two cookies during server communication. One is a short session cookie (JSESSION), and the …
iphone objective-c nshttpcookieI am trying to take a cookie from NSHTTPCookieStorage and use it for another URL within my App. I am …
objective-c nshttpcookieI want to embed an UIWebView into my MonoTouch application for an area that is not yet implemented natively. In …
uiwebview xamarin.ios nshttpcookie