Top "Nsfetchedresultscontroller" questions

An Apple fetched results controller is used to efficiently manage the results returned from a Core Data fetch request to provide data usually for a UITableView or UICollectionView object.

Core Data nested managed object contexts and frequent deadlocks / freezes

I have a problem that is almost identical to the problem described by this person here, but it hasn't get …

objective-c ios core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller nsmanagedobjectcontext
Changing a managed object property doesn't trigger NSFetchedResultsController to update the table view

I have a fetchedResultsController with a predicate, where "isOpen == YES" When calling for closeCurrentClockSet, I set that property to NO. …

objective-c ios nsfetchedresultscontroller nsmanagedobject nsmanagedobjectcontext
Changing the Sorting in an NSFetchedResultsController on the fly

I'm trying to change the sorting in a NSFetchController on the fly, by some sort of segmented control. To either …

iphone objective-c core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller
iOS crash 'NSInternalInconsistencyException', reason: 'statement is still active' Core Data cache related?

Very occasionally seeing these pop up in crash reports on screens using NSFetchedResultsController, and not sure how to address them. …

iphone ios objective-c core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller
NSFetchedResultsController section ordering using display order

I currently have an option that allows a user to change the display order of a category in my iPhone …

ios core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller
Delete row in table view with fetchedResultController

During swype deleting (most importatnt lines of this method): - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { …

ios objective-c tableview nsfetchedresultscontroller
NSPredicate: Fetch one of each kind

I want to create an NSFetchRequest for objects like this: The Object is Car which has an attribute color. I …

iphone ios objective-c nspredicate nsfetchedresultscontroller
NSFetchRequest and predicateWithBlock

I am playing with an app that uses Core Data and NSManagedObjects to populate a UITableView. There is only one …

objective-c core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller nsfetchrequest
Core Data: UITableView with multiple NSFetchedResultControllers

What I want to do is pretty simple. In my UITableViewController, I want to load data from multiple NSFetchedResultControllers (I …

iphone cocoa-touch uitableview core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller
NSFetchedResultsController doesn't show updates from a different context

I have an NSFetchedResultsController and a few operations updates managed objects on separate threads via NSOperationQueue. The FRC (with its …

ios core-data nsfetchedresultscontroller nsmanagedobjectcontext nsoperationqueue