Top "Nserror" questions

NSError is a Cocoa class that encapsulates richer and more extensible error information than is possible using only an error code or error string.

How can I get more useful information from NSError?

I want to get some useful information from NSError. If I print out [error userInfo], I get the following: { NSFilePath = "/…

ios nserror
iOS Game Center - authentication error on one device

On one of my devices (an iPad mini running iOS7), when I attempt to authenticate in Game Center I get …

ios authentication game-center nserror
What's the difference between Error and NSError in Swift?

I am creating a library that should return errors so I'm wondering which one should use for my purposes. UPDATE: …

swift3 error-handling nserror
NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 The operation couldn’t be completed

I am getting the following error when running my code from the xcode. Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012 "The operation …

ios objective-c ssl-certificate nsmutableurlrequest nserror
NSLog, NSError, bad access

I was doing a rather ordinary addPersistentStore to an NSPersistentStoreCoordinator, and it generated an &error code. So I went …

objective-c cocoa nslog nserror
iPhone - NSError reference : constants and code

I'm searching some precise doc where I can associate an error number to its constant. Let's say, for example, I'm …

iphone constants nserror
[__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil - how determine where is the error?

I have big project with async event, and sometimes i have error [__NSArrayM insertObject:atIndex:]: object cannot be nil, but …

objective-c ios nsarray null nserror
Modify NSError localizedDescription

Do you guys know if there is a nice way to set/modify a NSError's localizedDescription after it has been …

ios cocoa-touch cocoa nserror
Value of type 'Error' has no member 'code'

I am moving a test application over to Xcode 8 Beta 5 and converted my code to Swift 3. I am left with …

ios swift swift3 xcode8 nserror
NSException and NSError custom exception/error

I recently started learning Objective-C, and I am working on an iOS app as an exercise, anyway, I want to …

objective-c exception nserror nsexception