Top "Nscoder" questions

The NSCoder abstract class declares the interface used by concrete subclasses to transfer objects and other Objective-C/Swift data items between memory and some other format.

Objective C - How do I use initWithCoder method?

I have the following method for my class which intends to load a nib file and instantiate the object: - (…

objective-c cocoa-touch nscoder
How do I encode enum using NSCoder in swift?

Background I am trying to encode a String-style enum using the NSCoding protocol, but I am running into errors converting …

swift enums persistence nscoder
-[_SwiftValue encodeWithCoder:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance

Getting error when trying to utilize NSCoder Player.swift: class Player: NSObject, NSCoding { private var _playerName: String! private var _playerScore: …

ios swift nsuserdefaults swift3 nscoder
Save own Class with NSCoder

I'm trying to store some custom class/data to a file in my iPhone/iPad app. I have a Class …

iphone objective-c save nscoder
Encode/Decoding Date with NSCoder in Swift 3?

I'm writing a planner app, based on Apple's FoodTracker tutorial, that stores several strings, a Date, and a UIImage per …

ios swift nscoder