Top "Nsarray" questions

An immutable, integer-indexed array of objects from the Apple Foundation framework.

How to split an NSArray into two equal pieces?

I have an NSArray, and I want to split it into two equal pieces (if odd "count" then add to …

objective-c nsmutablearray nsarray
Convert JSON to NSArray

I have a JSON array being output on a page. I would like to convert this JSON array into an …

ios objective-c nsarray nsjsonserialization
Key Value Observing with an NSArray

I've looked on SO for examples of using Key Value Observing with an NSArray (or NSMutableArray) and apparently you need …

iphone objective-c nsarray key-value-observing nsarraycontroller
How do I get specific values from a NSIndexPath

I have a NSArray with NSIndexPaths inside of it NSArray *array = [self.tableView indexPathsForSelectedRows]; for (int i = 0; i < [array …

objective-c uitableview nsarray nsinteger nsindexpath
Combining NSArrays Through Intersection and Union

I have two NSArrays A and B that share some common elements, e.g. A: 1,2,3,4,5 B: 4,5,6,7 I would like to …

objective-c nsarray union set-theory
Apply vertical alpha gradient to UITableView

I'm new to iOS development and am trying to learn Swift. I'd like to apply a vertical alpha gradient to …

swift uitableview nsarray linear-gradients
How to slice an NSArray in Objective-C?

What's the simplest way to extract a slice of an NSArray in Objective-C? (much like the array_slice function in …

objective-c arrays nsarray
Creating an array from properties of objects in another array

Is there any convenient way to take an array/set of objects and create a new array/set containing some …

objective-c nsarray nsset
[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 2 beyond bounds [0 .. 1]

i'm a new iOS developer; i have an application with parse and dynamic cell but when i run the app …

ios nsarray uicollectionview icarousel nsrangeexception
NSArray property: copy or retain?

According to this: NSString property: copy or retain? For NSString/NSMutableString, copy is recommended. How about NSArray/NSMutableArray?

objective-c properties copy nsarray retain