Top "Notin" questions

The NOT IN operator acts opposite to "IN" Operator.


Which of these queries is the faster? NOT EXISTS: SELECT ProductID, ProductName FROM Northwind..Products p WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT 1 …

sql sql-server notin
NULL values inside NOT IN clause

This issue came up when I got different records counts for what I thought were identical queries one using a …

sql sql-server tsql null notin
python - if not in list

I have two lists: mylist = ['total','age','gender','region','sex'] checklist = ['total','civic'] I have to work with some code …

python list for-loop notin
How to write "not in ()" sql query using join

Could some one please provide how to write following sql query using joins. I do not want use not in …

sql sql-server tsql notin
SQL Server - NOT IN

I need to build a query that will show me records that are in Table 1, but that are not in …

sql sql-server tsql notin
Efficient way to select all values from one column not in another column

I need to return all values from colA that are not in colB from mytable. I am using: SELECT DISTINCT(…

sql performance distinct notin
Not in In SQL statement?

I have set of ids in excel around 5000 and in the table I have ids around 30000. If I use 'In' …

sql sql-server tsql set-difference notin
MySQL - NOT IN query in WHERE clause with same structure working on first table but not on second table

I want to adapt a simple MySQL query from one table to another table. The first query is working as …

mysql sql notin

I want to get the ID's of [interactions] table but these ID's must not equal to [EmailOUT] table. I couldn't …

sql sql-server tsql notin

I have a query which is not working as expected Q1: SELECT id, name FROM vw_x WHERE id NOT …

.net sql tsql sql-server-2005 notin