I have a class called MyComponent and it has a DependencyProperty caled BackgroundProperty. public class MyComponent { public MyBackground Background { get { …
wpf dependency-properties notify dependencyobjectIsn't it possible that notify() in another thread gets called before the wait() in one thread? It's happening with me. …
java multithreading wait notifyFirst, this is a near duplicate of: How to differentiate when wait(long timeout) exit for notify or timeout? But …
java multithreading wait notifyI have a WCF self-hosted service with a net.tcp DuplexChannel. On the server I run the following to disconnect …
wcf callback notify net.tcp disconnectSpecifically, can somebody tell me what is wrong with this piece of code. It should start the threads, so should …
java multithreading synchronization wait notifypublic synchronized static int get() { while(cheia()==false){ try{ wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ } } if (fila[inicio] != 0) { int retornaValor = fila[inicio]; …
java multithreading wait producer-consumer notifysynchronized (Foo.class) { while (someCondition) { try { Foo.class.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } It seems that this thread both …
java multithreading wait notify interruptionMay i know how to refresh the ListView item after i have remove a map list item in customized SimpleAdapter ? …
android listview notify delete-row simpleadapter