Top "Notify" questions

WPF custom DependencyProperty notify changes

I have a class called MyComponent and it has a DependencyProperty caled BackgroundProperty. public class MyComponent { public MyBackground Background { get { …

wpf dependency-properties notify dependencyobject
Java notify() gets called before wait()

Isn't it possible that notify() in another thread gets called before the wait() in one thread? It's happening with me. …

java multithreading wait notify
Java Monitors: How to know if wait(long timeout) ended by timeout or by Notify()?

First, this is a near duplicate of: How to differentiate when wait(long timeout) exit for notify or timeout? But …

java multithreading wait notify
How to detect client-side if the server disconnects me?

I have a WCF self-hosted service with a net.tcp DuplexChannel. On the server I run the following to disconnect …

wcf callback notify net.tcp disconnect
How to use wait and notify protocol with multiple threads

Specifically, can somebody tell me what is wrong with this piece of code. It should start the threads, so should …

java multithreading synchronization wait notify
Method wait() and notifyAll() is not static

public synchronized static int get() { while(cheia()==false){ try{ wait(); } catch(InterruptedException e){ } } if (fila[inicio] != 0) { int retornaValor = fila[inicio]; …

java multithreading wait producer-consumer notify
What is the difference between wait/notify and wait/interrupt?

synchronized (Foo.class) { while (someCondition) { try { Foo.class.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } It seems that this thread both …

java multithreading wait notify interruption
Android : How to Refresh list upon item deletion in customized SimpleAdapter

May i know how to refresh the ListView item after i have remove a map list item in customized SimpleAdapter ? …

android listview notify delete-row simpleadapter