Top "Nosetests" questions

Nose is an alternate Python unittest discovery and running process.

How do I run a single test with Nose in Pylons

I have a Pylons 1.0 app with a bunch of tests in the test/functional directory. I'm getting weird test results …

testing pylons nose nosetests
How to assert output with nosetest/unittest in python?

I'm writing tests for a function like next one: def foo(): print 'hello world!' So when I want to …

python unit-testing nosetests python-nose
Installing nose using pip, but bash doesn't recognize command on mac

I'm trying to install nose on my computer for the Learn Python the Hard Way tutorial, but can't seem to …

python python-2.7 nose python-module nosetests
nosetests is capturing the output of my print statements. How to circumvent this?

When I type $ nosetests -v all my print outputs are captured when all tests pass. I want to …

python nosetests
How do I specify a single test in a file with nosetests?

I have a file called containing a class TestWeb and many methods named like test_something(). I …

python testcase nosetests
How to use nose's assert_raises?

I've searched for documentation, but couldn't find any. There were a couple that didn't explain much. Can someone explain to …

python nosetests
Disabling Python nosetests

When using nosetests for Python it is possible to disable a unit test by setting the test function's __test__ attribute …

python nosetests
How to test that a function is called within a function with nosetests

I'm trying to set up some automatic unit testing for a project. I have some functions which, as a side …

python unit-testing testing nosetests
running nose --with-coverage to get all the package files, but not other dependencies and libs

My project folder(yeah - I know it's best practice) is something like: . ├── ├── ├── tests/ └── tools/ ├── __init__.…

python nose nosetests
How do you run nosetest from pycharm?

How do you execute nosetest from pycharm to run all unit tests? I know that pycharm supports python's unittest and …

python unit-testing nose nosetests pycharm