Top "Northwind" questions

A sample database used with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and some versions of Microsoft Access.

SQL - Subquery in Aggregate Function

I'm using the northwind database to refresh my SQL skills by creating some more or less complex queries. Unfortunately I …

sql subquery sql-server-2012 aggregate-functions northwind
Where can I find the Northwind database for Microsoft SQL Server 2008?

I'm trying to find and create/import the Northwind database to practice my Linq-fu. I cannot find it for the …

sql-server northwind
Is there a "Northwind" type database available for MySQL?

I need some test data for a MySQL utility that I am creating. Does anybody know where I can find …

mysql northwind
Entity Framework - Saving Changes to Related Objects in Detached State

I'm using the Northwind database as an example for this post where I am having a problem saving detached entities …

c# entity-framework northwind
Where can I download the Northwind sample database for SQLite?

After looking at: Where can I download Northwind database for Postgresql? it looks like the best place for Northwind data, …

sql linux database sqlite northwind DAL DatasSet and Table Adapter not in namespace - Northwind Tutorial

I've been attempting to walk through the "Creating a Data Access Layer" tutorial found… data-access-layer data-access northwind typed-dataset