Use [tag:database-normalization] for normalizing database-structure, and [tag:unicode-normalization] for normalizing unicode text.
database design question here. Say we had a webapp or something that uses hashtags for 20-40 word notes. What is …
mysql normalization hashtagI am trying to work out how to improve the scoring of solr search results. My application needs to take …
search lucene solr normalization tf-idfI currently have multiple tables in my database which consist of the same 'basic fields' like: name character varying(100), description …
sql postgresql normalizationI am trying to stick to the practice of keeping the database normalized, but that leads to the need to …
sql join normalizationI have an ARFF file containing 14 numerical columns. I want to perform a normalization on each column separately, that is …
normalization wekaI'm under the impression that JavaScript interpreter assumes that the source code it is interpreting has already been normalized. What, …
javascript unicode normalization unicode-normalizationI am working on data preprocessing and want to compare the benefits of Data Standardization vs Normalization vs Robust Scaler …
python machine-learning scikit-learn normalization standardizedIs there a better or easier way to store the enums (Enumerations available in programming languages like C#) in SQL …
sql sql-server database-design normalizationOnce again, I am very confused with a unicode question. I can't figure out how to successfully use unicodedata.normalize …
python python-2.7 unicode normalization unicode-normalizationI need to compare 2 strings as equal such as these: Lubeck == Lübeck In JavaScript. Why? Well, I have an …
javascript unicode normalization accent-insensitive text-normalization