Top "Normal-distribution" questions

The normal distribution is an assumption of many parametric statistical tests, and is typically associated with a Gaussian distribution, often with mean=0 and standard deviation=1. The "bell curve" is the visual, intuitive model for this distribution.

How to compute p-values from z-scores in R when the Z score is large (pvalue much below zero)?

In genetics very small p-values are common (for example 10^-400), and I am looking for a way to get very …

r statistics normal-distribution genetics
generation of normally distributed random vector with covariance matrix

In matlab it is easy to generate a normally distributed random vector with a mean and a standard deviation. From …

matlab normal-distribution
How to generate numbers with a normal distribution in SQL Server

I'm trying to seed some data, is there anyway to generate numbers in SQL Server that follow a normal distribution …

sql-server sql-server-2008 normal-distribution
Calculate Proportion in R using Normal Distribution

I was working on statistics using R. Before i do this using R program, i have done it manually. So …

r normal-distribution
Java Guassian Distribution-Bell Curve

I have calculated mean and SD of a set of values. Now I need to draw a bell curve using …

java normal-distribution
Which distribution fits data better?

I use fitdistr in R to select which distribution fits my data best. I've tried Cauchy, Weibull, normal, and Gamma …

r statistics normal-distribution weibull gamma-distribution
Separate mixture of gaussians in Python

There is a result of some physical experiment, which can be represented as a histogram [i, amount_of(i)]. I …

python statistics normal-distribution
Create Normal Distribution (Bell Curve) chart using FLOT

Has anyone tried creating Normal Distribution chart using FLOT? If so, can you please put me in a right direction …

charts flot normal-distribution
scipy.optmize.minimize: Iteration limit exceeded

I started using scipy.optimize.minimize for a work project in which I try to optimize the allocation of product …

python-3.x scipy normal-distribution scipy-optimize scipy-optimize-minimize
Transform data to fit normal distribution

I have a rather easy-to-understand question. I have a set of data and I want to estimate how good this …

matlab data-binding normal-distribution data-fitting