Top "Nolock" questions

A SQL Server table hint that can be used to prevent queries from issuing shared read locks.

Using NOLOCK in UPDATE statement

Using NOLOCK in UPDATE statement: Both the below queries are working fine. UPDATE ml SET CreationUserId = 'system' FROM mst_login …

sql sql-update nolock
SQL Server NOLOCK with JOIN, Bulk load

Following is the scenario I have: I have a stored procedure that returns data by joining 4 tables. Twice in the …

sql-server join nolock
MS SQL Server 2008 "with (nolock)" equivalent for IBM DB2 9.7

In MS SQL Server 2008 you can write like this: FROM EMPLOYEE as A with (nolock) Is there an equivalent syntax …

sql-server db2 nolock
Using NOLOCK Hint in EF4?

We're evaluating EF4 and my DBA says we must use the NOLOCK hint in all our SELECT statements. So I'm …

sql-server linq entity-framework isolation-level nolock
In the UPDATE statement, are NOLOCK hint honored in the FROM clause?

Given the following update statement: UPDATE @TableVariable SET city = FROM @TableVariable TV INNER JOIN dbo.TABLE_1 T1 WITH (…

sql-server sql-server-2000 nolock hints
When is it appropriate to use NOLOCK?

I am having timeout issues and deadlocks from time to time with some long running queries. I'm wondering when is …

sql sql-server-2005 deadlock nolock
with(nolock) , (nolock) , nolock differences?

I know with(nolock) and (nolock) are the same or almost the same. REF:with(nolock) or (nolock) - Is …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 nolock