Top "Nodemon" questions

nodemon is an automated process that monitors the directory for a given node application.

how to do linting using nodemon?

Can I use nodemon to lint my javascript? I am not using any build tool e.g. gulp or grunt …

javascript node.js npm nodemon eslint
Nodemon + babel restart the server multiple times

In my package.json I have a start-script which I'm using for my dev enviroment. It looks like this: "scripts": { "…

node.js babeljs nodemon babel-node
Express and BrowserSync without gulp?

I'm working on an express app. I used browserSync only to watch static files but now, I want to do …

node.js express gulp browser-sync nodemon
how to set nodejs command `--max-http-header-size` with `nodemon --exec "babel-node" .`

I am upgrading my nodejs version from 8 to 10. after upgraded, i can't run my application in any browsers right now. …

node.js nodemon babel-node
nodemon : Passing arguments to the executable when using as a required module

I'm trying to start a script with nodemon, using it as a required module, and I cannot pass arguments correctly. …

node.js nodemon
Node.js - Auto Refresh In Dev

I am trying to improve the DEV experience in my Node. To do that, I want to: a) restart my …

javascript node.js gulp browser-sync nodemon
Why can't i npm install nodemon or supervisor on OSX 10.8.4?

I'm just trying to install nodemon or supervisor using terminal, and I keep getting this error which I don't understand. …

node.js npm terminal nodemon node-supervisor
Nodemon Doesn't Restart in Windows Docker Environment

My goal is to set up a Docker container that automatically restarts a NodeJS server when file changes are detected …

node.js windows docker watch nodemon
Nodemon watch option broken

I am using gulp-nodemon config directory includes only one file, server.js. $.nodemon({ script: 'config/server.js', watch: ['config/**/*.js'] }) .…

javascript node.js gulp nodemon
how to run nodemon in windows from package.json

I'm following a VUE tutorial on a mac (shown in youtube). In my src/app.js I have only console.…

nodemon invalid-characters npm-start