Could someone please explain exactly how exports and imports work in NodeJS using Typescript?
My setup is:
I am messing about with exports/imports instead of doing some proper coding, its driving me nuts, and cannot find any proper explanation of how it works.
Can you please explain following:
var module = require ("module");
import module = require("module");
import module from "module";
import {something} from "module";
import * as module from "module";
Can you please explain following
export = something;
export default something;
export interface|class something;
I cannot seem to find proper way of doing exports vs. imports so my IDE is not covered in red and throwing hundreds of errors at me.
General Questions
List of questions goes on and on, but im sure once some of the above is answered, I can pick up on the rest.
Thank you and sorry for such a general question, but my frustration level just reached the top...
Agreed, import/export syntax is confusing for at least two reasons:
var module = require ("module");
works but that is commonjs -> no typingsimport x = require('y'
) is now deprecated in TSTL;DR;: Use the 'es6 style' syntax introduced in TS 1.5
The 'best' resource on import/export in TS I know is this
Overall I recommend reading this excellent handbook which will provide answers to most of your questions
From a default export
was exported as a default (single) export ie export default Something
in ts/es6
import Something from "module"
You can actually import a default export with a different name. import SomethingElse from 'module'
will also work
From named exports
was exported as a named export in "module" using export {Something}
or export class|interface Something{}
in ts/es6
You want to import only that, use
import {Something} from "module"
You want to import everything that is exported from "module" under the namespace mod
import * as mod from "module
Then use const c:mod.Something = whatever
See import
s above
The form export = something
is deprecated in favor of the new ES6 style syntax. It is mostly found in definition files to express the fact that a js library exports a single function/object e.g. module.exports=something
Use ES6 style syntax and avoid default
exports: they have the advantage that they can be imported using a different name but
import {Something as SomethingElse} from "module"
Concretely, export whatever needs to be exported and import it specifically
In api.ts
export interface MyInterface {
export class MyClass {
In main.ts
import {MyInterface, MyClass} from './api'
There are a lot of good IDEs out there that provide excellent linting: VSCode, Atom Typescript and Webstorm to name a popular few, the first two being free and the third one even manages the imports for you.