Top "Node-webkit" questions


How to access a RowDataPacket object

I'm currently developing a desktop application with Node-webkit. During that process I need to get some data from a local …

mysql node.js node-webkit
Uncaught Error: Module did not self-register

I try to use node-vlc with nw.js (v0.12.0-alpha2). When i launch my app without nw.js it works, …

javascript node.js node-webkit node-ffi
How to clear the cache data in Electron(atom shell)?

I want to clear cache data in Electron(atom-shell). I don't find any api like gui.App.clearCache()(node-webkit api …

node.js node-webkit electron
Right Click Menu using React JS

I'd like to know if there is a best practice/correct way to setup a right-click menu for a React …

javascript html web-applications reactjs node-webkit
What is the Visual Studio Code editor built on

What underlying technologies/libraries is Microsoft's new (free) cross platform editor Visual Studio Code (Launched 5/29/2015) built on? There are rumors …

node-webkit atom-editor visual-studio-code electron
Node-Webkit vs Electron

We are planning to built cross platform desktop application. We found that Node-Webkit is a perfect choice for us. But …

node-webkit electron
What are the functional differences between NW.js, Brackets-Shell and Electron?

Now that TideSDK is effectively dead, I've been looking into alternative 'wrappers' to run HTML/CSS/JS applications as stand-alone …

html node-webkit electron brackets-shell
Node.js cannot require a .js file in the same directory

I have a node-webkit project with a main.js. At the very top, I have var updater = require("./updater.js"); …

javascript node.js node-webkit
Alternatives to node webkit? (filesize of importance)

Whilst node-webkit is nice, the binaries on mac and linux are over 70MB for a hello world application. Unacceptable. Is …

node.js cross-browser webkit node-webkit
<base> tag for CSS url()

I'm looking for a way to reference with / a "custom" url. I'm using something like a local browser and the / …

html css node-webkit