Top "Node-config" questions

WARNING: NODE_ENV value of 'test ' did not match any deployment config file names

Receiving this warning on running a node.js app despite all testing suggesting everything fine. I've included the below code …

node.js node-config
How to use node-config in typescript?

After installing node-config and @types/config: yarn add config yarn add --dev @types/config And adding config as described in …

node.js typescript node-config
NodeJS - config cannot not load custom environment variables

I am running [email protected] and I am attempting to get settings from the environment variables using .\config\custom-environment-variables.json does …

node.js node-config
Emit skipped when parsing config typescript files

I have a problem with the node-config library while using typescript. My config folder is as follows: However after I …

node.js typescript node-config
Proper way to parse environment variables

I am using node-config in basically all my projects and most of the time I come across the problem of …

node.js node-config
How do I override config values at runtime with node-config?

I'd like to override some values at test-time, specifically setting my retries for an http service to 1 (immediate failure, no …

node.js testing configuration lab node-config