Top "Nlp" questions

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that involves transforming or extracting useful information from natural language data.

How to verify installed spaCy version?

I have installed spaCy with python for my NLP project. I have installed that using pip. How can I verify …

python nlp pip version spacy
TFIDF for Large Dataset

I have a corpus which has around 8 million news articles, I need to get the TFIDF representation of them as …

python lucene nlp scikit-learn tf-idf
Java library for keywords extraction from input text

I'm looking for a Java library to extract keywords from a block of text. The process should be as follows: …

java nlp extract keyword stemming
Convert words between verb/noun/adjective forms

i would like a python library function that translates/converts across different parts of speech. sometimes it should output multiple …

python nlp nltk wordnet
Unsupervised automatic tagging algorithms?

I want to build a web application that lets users upload documents, videos, images, music, and then give them an …

algorithm machine-learning nlp tagging
how to determine the number of topics for LDA?

I am a freshman in LDA and I want to use it in my work. However, some problems appear. In …

nlp data-mining lda
"Stop words" list for English?

I'm generating some statistics for some English-language text and I would like to skip uninteresting words such as "a" and "…

language-agnostic indexing filtering stop-words nlp
stanford core nlp java output

I'm a newbie with Java and Stanford NLP toolkit and trying to use them for a project. Specifically, I'm trying …

java nlp stanford-nlp
How to tweak the NLTK sentence tokenizer

I'm using NLTK to analyze a few classic texts and I'm running in to trouble tokenizing the text by sentence. …

python nlp nltk
Generating the plural form of a noun

Given a word, which may or may not be a singular-form noun, how would you generate its plural form? Based …

python nlp wordnet linguistics