Top "Nlp" questions

Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that involves transforming or extracting useful information from natural language data.

Data sets for emotion detection in text

I'm implementing a system that could detect the human emotion in text. Are there any manually annotated data sets available …

database dataset nlp text-mining emotion
Clustering text in Python

I need to cluster some text documents and have been researching various options. It looks like LingPipe can cluster plain …

python cluster-analysis nlp
Stemmers vs Lemmatizers

Natural Language Processing (NLP), especially for English, has evolved into the stage where stemming would become an archaic technology if "…

nlp wordnet stemming text-analysis lemmatization
Natural Language Processing in Ruby

I'm looking to do some sentence analysis (mostly for twitter apps) and infer some general characteristics. Are there any good …

ruby artificial-intelligence nlp
What Is the Difference Between POS Tagging and Shallow Parsing?

I'm currently taking a Natural Language Processing course at my University and still confused with some basic concept. I get …

nlp pos-tagger
Wordnet Find Synonyms

I am searching for a way to find all the synonyms of a particular word using wordnet. I am using …

nlp wordnet synonym jaws-wordnet
How to turn plural words singular?

I'm preparing some table names for an ORM, and I want to turn plural table names into single entity names. …

algorithm nlp lemmatization inflection
Does NLTK have TF-IDF implemented?

There are TF-IDF implementations in scikit-learn and gensim. There are simple implementations Simple implementation of N-Gram, tf-idf and Cosine similarity …

python nlp nltk tf-idf
NLTK for Named Entity Recognition

I am trying to use NLTK toolkit to get extract place, date and time from text messages. I just installed …

machine-learning nlp nltk text-processing named-entity-recognition
Using Word2Vec for topic modeling

I have read that the most common technique for topic modeling (extracting possible topics from text) is Latent Dirichlet allocation (…

nlp topic-modeling word2vec