Top "Nlohmann-json" questions

Use this tag for questions related to nlohmann JSON C++ library

C++: Reading a json object from file with nlohmann json

I am using the nlohmann's json library to work with json objects in c++. Ultimately, I'd like to read a …

c++ json file nlohmann-json
c++ nlohmann json - how to iterate / find a nested object

I am trying to iterate over a nested json, using nlohmann::json. My json object is below: { "one": 1, "two": 2 "three": { "…

c++ json nlohmann-json
How to iterate over a JSON in JSON for modern c++

I would like to iterate over each of entries in a json object, but I am getting one incomprehensible error …

c++ json nlohmann-json
How do you get a JSON object from a string in nlohmann json?

I have a string that I would like to parse into a json, but _json doesn't seem to work every …

c++ json string nlohmann-json
JSON parsing using nlohmann json

I am trying to parse the JSON structure using nlohmann's json.hpp . But I am not to create the JSON …

c++ json jsonparser nlohmann-json
How to convert a json object to a map with nlohmann::json?

For example, with nlohmann::json, I can do map<string, vector<int>> m = { {"a", {1, 2}}, {"b", {2, 3}} }; json …

c++ json dictionary nlohmann-json
C++ : using nlohmann json in project

I am trying to use nlohmann json in my C++ project. I extracted the zipped file after I downloaded it …

c++ nlohmann-json
Prettify a JSON string in C++ from a .txt file

I'm currently working in C++, getting an HTTP response from a request that I write into a .txt file using …

c++ json asynchronous nlohmann-json
Why can't I use the [] operator to access an array in nlohmann's C++ JSON library?

I'm using this JSON library for C++ in order to get information from Twitter's API, which returns a JSON array …

c++ arrays json twitter nlohmann-json